Restoring Wooden Floors
Wooden floor restoration can be one of the most satisfying and rewarding aspects of renovating a house, stately home, hotel or other building. A natural wood floor not only looks good, but it is hard wearing and very long lasting.
If your original wooden flooring appears to be badly damaged, Strip Wooden Flooring are capable of bringing it back to its former glory. If necessary, we can replace damaged sections, or in fact whole floors, using reclaimed timber to keep the desired character of aged wood. Even modern homes can be given a touch of timeless character by laying a genuine wooden floor on top of your existing one.
The amount of renovation and the techniques used will vary depending on the condition of your existing floor, but in short the steps required are as follows:
- Firstly, we will remove, and if necessary, replace any damaged timber.
- Then we will ensure that any proud nails, loose timbers, gaps, or other deficiencies are fixed.
- After this, several stages of careful sanding ensure that the floor is restored to its original quality and given a smooth finish.
- Once the sanding has been done, there are several options for staining and sealing the floor, depending on your personal preference and the expected use of the area.


Take a look at our Case Studies to see some of the wooden floor restoration projects we have already done.
To find out how we can help you enjoy the beauty of a natural wooden floor, please contact us or use our online Information Request form.